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Monday, February 8, 2010

A snow day returneth !! (Beginning of Week 4)

Ok so here's the deal, I was trying to be a good boy and I went to work this morning.  But guess what??  Not a dang member of "leadership" was there.  Not a 1 of them.

Go figure.

Now I know that you may be in shock right now so I'll give you a few minutes to breathe and get a glass of water.

And....... welcome back!

Now then, I wasn't shocked or surprised being that this very thing had happened the week prior.  And not that I actually care, I just thought it was hillarious since just a couple of weeks prior they (the supposed-leaders) were doing herkies and hand-stands about how much they love work and the importance of showing up everyday (thankfully I'm not buying what they are selling).

I mean, paint me old fashioned but a leader leads by example.  The absurdness of "do what I say not what I do" doesn't even work with children.  Plus it creates a bigger division which decreases morale and productivity... blah blah blah. 

With all of that said, I am completely disappointed that I've had 2 snow days in the last 2 weeks and I was so irresponsibly responsible that I got out of bed at 6am, had breakfast, showered, dressed and went to work for a half day.  Why oh why didn't I just follow the lead and sleep in, have a bloody mary at 9am with my eggs and live the good life.  Apparently everyone else did.


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